AFINIS Group®️, more than just seals

With over 30 years of experience we provide complex solutions and services in the field of seals and sealing technology customized to meet the client’s needs. We keep up with the latest trends and continuously work on our growth and development.
AFINIS Group ponúka viac
ako len štandard!
Vďaka jedinečnej technológii vieme uspokojiť aj dopyt po atypických tesneniach.
Týmto chceme vyjsť v ústrety množstvu zákazníkov požadujúcich služby nad štandardný rámec.

AFINIS Group® always offers more!
Our company policy is not only to sell a product, we provide our clients complex services that will contribute to their genuine progress.

Quality custom-made service

Technical advice and counseling

Diagnostics and measurements right at your place of operation

Professionally trained staff

State-of-the-art production technologies

Production of custom-made seals

Express production of seals within 24 hours when necessary semi-finished products are available in stock